Dear Chief Executive
Please answer the questions below, as required under the Freedom of Information Act
What is the Bristol City Council Public Health Budget for the last spending year, this spending year and next spending year?
What is the Bristol City Council Public Health Ring fenced Budget for the last spending year, this spending year and next spending year?
What is the Bristol City Council Mental Health Ring fenced Budget for the last spending year, this spending year and next spending year.
How much of the current spending years' public health budget remains unspent?
How much of the current spending years' mental health budget remains unspent?
How many Public Health posts have been frozen?
How many Ring fenced Public Health posts have been frozen?
How many Public Health posts have been reduced in terms of hours per week?
How many Ring fenced Public Health posts have been reduced in terms of hours per week?
How many Mental Health posts have been frozen?
How many Ring fenced Mental Health posts have been frozen?
How many Mental Health posts have been reduced in terms of hours per week?
How many Ring fenced Mental Health posts have been reduced in terms of hours per week?
Are there any plans to cut funding and/or freeze posts for Smoking Cessation Services?
Are there any plans to cut funding and/or freeze posts for Mental Health Services?
Are there any plans to cut funding and/or freeze posts for Sport Exercise for Mental Health Services?
How many staff hours per week were/are assign for direct work on Bristol Active Life Project for the last spending year, this spending year and next spending year?
Given the mayors' promise that if the reorganisation affected any services Bristol City Council would undertake a consultation into resolving these effects, what plans are there for that consultation?
How much Contigency fund money has or is being spent on re-organisation (including redundancy (compulsory or voluntary) payments and any other related costs)?
How much Contigency fund money has or is being spent on redundancy (compulsory or voluntary) payments and any other related costs)?
I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of Bristol City Council and is not in my commercial interest.
Yours sincerely
Dr Peter Hale
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